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lead generation by chris lengquistEven though I have not yet seen an actual copy I am happy to announce I am one of the authors of Lead Generate or Die!  I just looked it up on Amazon and here is the link.

What is exciting about this is that this is the second book for which I have played a part.  Now, I’m not an exhaustive authority on any subject by any means but I am proud of the lead generation I’ve done in my real estate career that has allowed me to make a great living for my family.  Lead Generate or Die! is a short look in to a long subject.  Essentially, I simply boiled down what I’ve done over the years and that which I learned through experience and studying and by implementing the models and systems Gary Keller shared in The Millionaire Real Estate Agent, his best selling book that many agents have used to advance their businesses.

Stay Tuned

As the weeks and month come up I’ll be sharing more about this book and my journey.  I’m hoping to not be disappointed with the outcome. 🙂  There are many other authors whose opinions and experiences are something I cannot wait to read and digest.  After you get a copy for yourself and you take the time to read I’d love to hear your thoughts.  Positive praise is always welcome and constructive criticism is what allows me to get better.  database farming

Here are the authors of Lead Generate or Die!

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