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For more than a few years I have been offering my services to examine real estate investments here in the Kansas City area for a flat hourly fee. Mostly it has been real estate investors from out of town that have taken me up on this service and I believe the relationships have been beneficial to both parties. Now I am beginning to offer my services for the purpose of coaching investors and their agents.

One of the most difficult tasks for the real estate investor in Kansas City and across this great country is the task of finding an agent that knows, understands and is willing to work in concert with the goals and passions of the investor. On the other hand, one of the most difficult tasks for real estate agents is knowing which real estate investor is an actual investor and not someone who is looking to cash in on the extreme efforts of the agent wherein the agent gets little to no return, ie writing 100 offers in the hopes that one sticks.

Having worked through hundreds and hundreds of investment property transactions, managed 135+homes in the KC area and having talked with literally thousands of investors and about a half dozen of really good investment property real estate agents I have decided there is a real need for this service. Ideally, both agent and investor will call me to discuss the services. But I know the reality is that I’ll probably only be working with one or the other.

Should be an exciting ride. Let’s see where it takes us.