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Have a business. Have a life.  Why do I say that and what does it mean?

This is the week of Thanksgiving here in the good ole USA.  And I’m thankful that real estate is my profession.  Yes, like all things in life, there are times of trouble where I don’t feel very thankful.  But overall, since 2002, I have to say I’m thankful because:

  • A real estate license is really a self-employment license.
  • I can exceed $100,000/yr, every year, for an initial investment that cost me less than $2,000.
  • Real estate allows for flexibility of schedule. (Oh, you have to work a lot to make 100K. But you can schedule.)
  • Someone else holds the inventory for me.
  • Someone else does the legal for me.
  • No HR.

I could go on and on.  I’m a guy that’s owned a couple of different businesses in his life.  It was real estate, however, that taught me how to put all that entrepreneurial drive together and become profitable for my family’s benefit. You know, it’s kind of weird how all agents are competitors but help each other, too.

Any who, real estate has allowed me to have a business that provides for all of my needs and a great many of my wants.  At the same time, it’s not a business that has taken every shred of my life to make it happen.  When I learned to time block, when I learned to say “no”, I discovered I could have it all, so to speak.

Ever thought of a career in real estate?  Give me a call.  913-742-7169