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real estate training for timeIt is amazing to me how time and time again both prospective real estate agents and experienced agents alike tell me that the reason they cannot do something or hit a goal is because of how busy their life is.  I know life is busy.

  • There is money to earn.
  • Food to prepare and dishes to clean.
  • Let’s not forget family and friends.
  • Johnny has a baseball game.
  • Someone is sick.

I could go on and on and on.  My question is, do you not think that that successful people have any less of these distractions?  Do you not think that successful real estate agents have parents that pass away, cars that get wrecked, vacations to take?

Of course they do.  The difference is successful real estate agents understand that there is still a job to do an that they need to get the job done.  Successful real estate agents have been trained to understand Time Blocking and make that a priority, as well as daily prospecting and the building of their database.

Listen, we are all busy.  We all fall ill periodically.  We all have challenges. Sure, some lives are more blessed than others.  But it’s amazing the sacrifice and discipline that goes in to so many things that you don’t see that lead to more blessings.   I know life is busy. But will it be any less busy in two weeks, six months or a year?  Honestly?  You know the answer.

Have a business. Have a life.