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Good morning.  Today is January 2, 2019.  It is time to stop goal setting and start doing.  Yes, now.  Today.  

Often I see real estate agents who attend every class, plan every week, cross every “T” and then they don’t put in to action what they learned in class, the don’t follow their planned week and therefore there are no “Ts” to cross.  Here is the ONLY QUESTION an agent needs to ask themselves each workday morning, “What do I have to do today to get in to five converstations about real estate?”  

That’s it.  

Let’s not overcomplicate real estate.  Let’s not worry about coming technologies.  Let’s not get distracted by the one million things that will attempt to get in your way.  When you get in to five conversations about real estate with people who can either buy, sell or invest in real estate you will hit your goals.  Eventually, you will have too much business.  So you hire people to help them get in to five more conversations about real estate.  Follow me?

So start.  Today.  Get in to five conversations about real estate.  Enjoy.