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Blogging is not as easy to do as you might hope. Some of you are finding that out as you are going through this 6 month course on how to generate leads for your real estate business through blogging; WordPress for Real Estate Agents.  There are many things you have to do to have a successful blog;

  • wordpress for real estate trainingAn eye-pleasing design
  • Central theme of message
  • Integrate SEO in to EVERYTHING
  • Study and adapt to readership likes and dislikes
  • Be disciplined enough to write/post frequently

Of the items listed above, to me the hardest, by far, is to be disciplined enough to write or post frequently.  Design can be completed and then be done for a long while.  You’ll find your central theme as you continue to write and post.  SEO is a learned process that become second nature as time moves forward.  Intuition will help you with learning the readership.  But blogging three, four and even five times  a week for the first six month can seem like drudgery at times.  Let’s face it.  Sometimes we are more inspired than at other times.

That’s why I used the word discipline.  You must stay disciplined in your efforts to reach an audience. During the first six months you are building content.  You’re creating organic SEO.  You’re tweaking design.  All these things work much like a snowball rolling down hill.  Small, slow moving and unnoticeable at first the snowball will pick up mass and speed as it continues to down the hill. With enough will, force and maybe a little luck that snowball will turn in to an avalanche of readership.

I’ve never reached the avalanche stage. Some real estate bloggers have.  But I’ve created a ton of sales from the noticed stage over these last 9 years.

Have a business.  Have a life.