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Are you beginning to feel it? Are you beginning to think like a Realtor? Listen, anytime you start something new it is both exciting and stress inducing. Will this work? Am I good enough?

The answer to both of those questions is completely up to you.

Find Day 3 here.

Day 4

Hour 1

  • Start your day with your new normal routine of spending twenty minutes on your personal growth.
  • Get up. Dress up. Show up.
  • Yesterday you sent out a couple of social media messages and you were on the look-out for any opportunities to add more people to your database. So, how did you do? Let’s add them in right now.
  • Choose 15-20 other people that you already knew/had in your database and get them entered (if you haven’t already) and then, along with the new ones you added today start their 8×8, Step 1. Write those cards or letters.
  • Pick up the book Shift by Gary Keller and re-read Shift Tactic #4 Find the Motivated. This is probably going to drift in to Hour 2. That is okay. Shut your door. Turn off your phone. Get your highlighter out.

Hour 2

  • Finish reading your Shift assignment. Reflect on what you are learning about lead generation. To some extent it is a numbers game. Yet, let’s not forget that this is very much a relationships business.
  • Go to the MLS and search for two houses you can preview later today and book those appointments. Remember, be purposeful here. 
  • Find an agent, or anyone, willing to script and role play with you for about 15 minutes. Ask the person to start throwing you some harder and harder objections. PRACTICE!

Hour 3

  • Let’s go back to your database. You should now have somewhere in the neighborhood of 65-80 people in there, minimum. How big do you want to get it? Well, figure that for every 10 names in your database you can expect one transaction be it by referral or them buying, selling or investing. Want to do 36 transactions a year? You are going to build your database to at least 360 people.

Let’s pause here for a second and do some math, shall we? Let’s say our average transaction is $245,000 at 2.8% commission. That’s $6,860 per transaction. Multiply that by 36 houses and you end up with $246,960/yr. Of course, this is before any of your expenses. Depending on your “split” and the value your receive from your brokerage, and subtracting all your other expenses like gas, phones, etc. well, you are going to make some money. We’ll talk more about that in future.

  • Start/Continue entering in your 33 or 36 Touch program in to your database…whatever that is. (KWCommand, Top Producer, manila folders…) Remember, Gary Keller’s Millionaire Real Estate Agent has an excellent skeleton of what this should look like on page 147.
  • Stay with this for the entire hour. We want to get this right.

Hour 4

  • Break for lunch.
  • Do NOT eat at your desk. Go out…even if it is to get your nails done or to stop by a bicycle shop and see the next bike you’d like to purchase.
  • Drop your mail that you created in Hour 1 in a mailbox somewhere.
  • Meet somebody. Anybody. Get in to a discussion about their life, hobby, whatever. When they ask you what you do, say “I help people buy and sell the homes of their dreams.”
  • PRO TIP: You’ve been using a “standard” Value Proposition. Maybe it is time to start coming up with your own?

Hour 5

  • On your way back to the office, stop by the two houses you set up to preview. Pay attention to the price and condition of the home.
  • When you arrive back at the office, take the time to pull the “comps” for the two houses you previewed.
  • Ask an experienced agent or your productivity coach if they have a few minutes to see what you’ve come up with. Does it look right?

Hour 6

  • Let’s look at properties that have expired in the MLS over the last 7 days that are in the area of town you are wanting to concentrate in.
  • Are they still expired? (Check and see if they have been re-listed.)
  • Find two you can stop by on your way home.
  • Find an agent in your office to role play a couple of expired scripts.
  • Stop by, be brave and DOOR KNOCK THE EXPIREDS and ask; “Why do you think your house didn’t sell the first time around?”
  • Ask if you can take the time to think about their situation and see if you can come up with a solution. By the way…
  • Then ask if there is a good time you can check back with them in the next two to three days (hours?) to present a plan after you have had some time to do some research.
  • After you have done this pull out your journal and write down what went right today. Review all the wins, large or small and jot them down.
  • Go home. Enjoy your family. Live your life. And keep your eyes open for an opportunity to meet somebody or to reconnect with somebody to add to your database. Heck, ask if your spouse or significant other knows of anybody you can connect with.

The routine is getting stronger. The thinking is getting stronger. The script and role playing is making an impression on your subconscious. You are beginning to feel, to act like a Realtor. It’s everyday…not in a day.

Soon, very soon, if not already, you will be showing houses and going to listing appointments! In your “spare” time you can start watching videos on KW Connect or You Tube on how to do good listing appointments. Go to the classes in your office. Seek the advice of those that have gone before. #Conquer

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