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A gap analysis in goal setting is a really simple formula.

Goal – Actual = Gap
then Gap / Time = Monthly Goal

Let’s say you are a real estate agent any you intend to sell 36 homes in the next 12 months, starting today.  Well, since you are starting today you are at zero.  Your goal is 36.  Therefore, the gap is 36. Your monthly goal would be three.

36 – 0 = 36
36 / 12 = 3

Or, you intended to sell 36, the goal you set on January 1.  It is the beginning of September and you realize you have sold 18.  

36 -18 = 18

The gap is 18.  Now, we have all of September left, as well as October and November. There months. (If you live in a state where most houses “close” in about 30 days, you really cannot depend on selling a bunch of houses in December AND close them in December… or go and find a cash buyer.)

18 / 3 = 6

So, in essence, you have 90-92 days left to get 18 more houses under contract, or six per month.  Can you accomplish that goal?  Well, that is a matter of determination and conversion.