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Whether you call it mental toughness or mental discipline or self discipline you have to have it.  You have to have mental toughness in sports if you are to be a winner.  You have to have mental toughness in child rearing if you are going to raise healthy adults. And you have to have mental toughness in your real estate business if you are to succeed.

real estate training

Toughness is not beating someone up.  Bill Self, head coach of the Kansas Jayhawks basketball team, likes to speak of toughness all the time.  But when you hear his explanation of toughness it has nothing to do with beating up or physically wearing the other team down through illegal play.  It has to do with being where you are supposed to when you are supposed to be there.  It has to do with knowing when to walk away from a confrontation and when to stand  your ground.  It has to do with forgetting the negative and plowing through to the positive.

In your real estate business you will be faced with choices all day long, every day, as to whether to make a disciplined (tough) decision or whether to take the easy way out.

  • Make phone calls or clean my desk?
  • Preview homes or stop by the book store?
  • Take a training class or spend the money on an un-earned reward?
  • Set a goal and work towards it or see where your business takes you?

I probably don’t have to tell you which of those choices bring positive, long term results and which of those choices bring temporary pleasure.  Why?  I’ve made those same bad decisions myself.  To this day I have to exercise mental toughness to make sure I do the things that I need to do to make sure that I succeed for my family, my future and the future of Keller Williams Realty in Olathe, Kansas.  I have to decide each day whether I will start mentally tough or mentally weak.

What will you decide today?