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What if we set our goals based on life events important to us rather than age milestones?  Too many times when I am speaking with agents, leaders and business people I find that their goal milestones are determined by ages we believe are important; by thirty I’ll be married, by sixty-five I’ll be retired, and so on. Or the goal is set within a calendar year because that, too, is very common.

What if instead we set our goals like this?

  • Within thirty days of getting my real estate license I’ll have a home under contract.
  • By my third month as team leader I’ll be recruiting three high quality active agents to my brokerage every month.
  • By the time my kids enter high school I’ll have a minimum of 75% of their college tuition saved for them.

Then, as with all goals, it is time for a simple gap analysis.

By taking charge of our goals and making them personal to us we stand a much better chance of achieving them.