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Social media marketing for the real estate agent isn’t really all that understood.  In fact, most agents screw it up time and time again.  Building an online brand as a realtor can be quite daunting.  Let’s face it, as real estate agents our personal lives are very much intertwined with our professional lives.  With this being the case, it is easy to understand why the creating of a the right brand (YOU are the brand) can be so difficult.

First I’d like you to watch this video by FightMediocrity.  It will take you about 10 minutes to watch but if you grasp what he is saying you will be well on your way to understanding how to market yourself online.

Did you hear and understand what he is trying to convey? Are you sure? Then why do I see so many agents literally spam their websites and facebook pages and twitter accounts with “buy this” and “open house here” and “pay for coaching” there posts.  Where is the value to your readership, your friends, your family?

The service industry has changed.  People’s needs today are much different than their needs twenty years ago.  People want things faster now.  They want specialized knowledge and they want to work with people they like. How do you establish that presence and be the person they choose online?

  • Give yourself, and your knowledge, away
  • Establish a 24/7 portal for them to look inside you
  • Have a means for them to contact you, but don’t have that means pressed on them
  • Act and think like a consultant, not a salesperson is a blog that I have been authoring since 2006.  I’m not saying I’m great.  But if you study the blog you’ll notice that there isn’t much about the field of real estate investing I haven’t shared about at least once in the last 10 years.  You’ll notice I have personal tidbits about myself, my family, my life.  You’ll notice that you can contact me, but it’s not in your face.  I have to share with you that I sell more investment property to more people from that blog than I do from any other source except previous clients….of which many came from the blog at some point.

Developing your online presence, your online brand, is an ever evolving and endless task.  Reminding yourself each day to PROVIDE VALUE to those that read you rather than hounding them about what you do for a living is how you should approach each and every interaction through social media.

This isn’t a new concept.  In The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell you’ll find this same principle in the 10th Law – The Law of Connection.  Study what people need from you, provide it to them, and they’ll follow you.  It really is as simple as that.