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Is your business consuming your personal life?

Are you busy? Have you ever wondered how high achievers can do so much in their lives and yet you are falling to to bed at night exhausted from your daily tasks and asking “Where did my day go?”  Time blocking is the answer.

It’s time you learn the skill of time blocking to take control of your calendar and your life.

Time blocking is something I first heard about in Gary Keller’s The Millionaire Real Estate Agent. I remember reading it but I did not absorb its power. Instead, I had to go through a learning curve and become that real estate agent who missed softball games, date nights, etc.  I had to go from that broke real estate agent with plenty of time to that real estate agent with money in the bank but no time to enjoy it.

Obviously, I come at this from a real estate agent perspective.  But isn’t this a small business owner’s perspective, too?  How about if you are a house wife with three kids? I could go on and on. Busyness is not a badge of honor.

I’d rather spend times on the things that I love; my wife, my family, my hobbies. If you would like to do the same, watch this video that talks about the benefits of time blocking.

Commit to the 80/20 Rule

What I learned from Gary Keller is that “Time blocking is dedicating specific periods of time to specific purposes, and it can transform you from a goal setter to a dynamic goal achiever.”  Gary also points out “Don’t confuse it with the practice of indiscriminately filling up your calendar with events. With time blocking you dedicate specific periods of time to specific purposes. These specific purposes should be the 20 percent – your Big Rocks!”

If you are not familiar with Pareto’s Principle it is the 80/20 rule wherein 80% of your results come from 20% of your tasks. The 20% that makes you money, that makes you effective, that makes you happy, that is your Big Rock(s).

Take time to study time blocking. Mastering this one learned skill might very well change your life. It changed mine.

Feel free to contact me if I can help on this or any other area of your business.