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One of the most important things a new real estate agent can learn to do is time blocking.  I don’t want to over exaggerate, but when I learned and then mastered time blocking, it literally changed my business almost overnight.

Time blocking is the art of setting up your schedule in a more regimented form.  As real estate agents the #1 thing we can do to make our businesses more successful and grow is to lead generate.  As Gary Keller once asked, “How do you know when you have enough leads?”  Well, that’s a trick question because the answer is a resounding “NEVER!”

So if lead generation and lead follow up are the two most important things you do each and every day why not block that time out a week in advance.  For me, I say that I will be doing lead generation things (emails, calls, blogging, etc.) from 8:00 am – 10:00 am each and every work day.  Then I also block out an additional 3 hours per week for exclusively phone calls follow up.  That’s 13 hours a week of nothing but lead generation and some lead follow up.  That is a given.  It is time blocked.  Nothing you can do can make me change those times.  Yes, it’s that important.

Ever?  You ask “You never miss those times for an emergency? A vacation? A whatever?”

Okay,  you got me.  Every once in a great, great while I’ll have to MOVE THE TIME but I DO NOT miss the time.  Except for vacation. After all, vacation is vacation.

I time block lead generation time and lead follow up time.  I time block personal time and family obligations.  I time block appointments, naturally.  And I time block KU Basketball games.  But that’s just me.

Look at setting up time blocking on your calendar.  It might amaze you how little you are actually doing when you are not time blocking.  But the biggest part is changing your mindset.  “If it’s not on my calendar, it doesn’t exist.”

Below you will find my calendar many weeks out from now.  This is a week I haven’t started scheduling yet.  So this is basically what my “base” week looks like.  I hope this post helps you and this example gets you started.  Don’t be afraid to ask any questions you might have.

training for real estate agent